Tuesday 24 January 2012

Lose 14lbs then injure back... Of course!

Hello Everyone!!

I haven't blogged for a while, mostly because I have been very busy with placements, exams, essays and my birthday. I have been keeping up with my fitness regime, I even got a whole lot of new gym stuff for my birthday (I pretty much live in the gym at the moment) and I've passed my first grading in Karate (yellow tip - next will be the full yellow belt). I have lost 7lbs so far since New Year making it a loss of 14 lbs since November, so the weight loss thing is doing very well except...

I have somehow injured my back! I am so annoyed at this, all I want to do is carry on life as normal but for today at least I'm stuck at home with a heat pack on my back. In fact, my back started giving me pain yesterday, but this didn't stop me using the cross trainer and bike then swimming, I guess I'm having to rest it for today but I'm dying to go for a swim. I won't go for comfort food, which is something my old habits are telling me to do "come on love, you feel like crap, have some chocolate..." Fortunately there is no junk food in the house so if I want junk I'd have to walk to the shops and I'm in no fit state!

I guess I am a gym addict now, I just hope I am better by Thursday so I can do my 2 hour Karate lesson (OK, I'm a Karate addict, too!). I'd also like to get back to placement, please and carry on doing a job/course that I love.

Lindsay xx

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