Thursday, 15 September 2011

Redefining Spirituality


[spir-i-choo-al-i-tee] Show IPA
noun, plural -ties.
the quality or fact of being spiritual.
incorporeal or immaterial nature.
predominantly spiritual character as shown in thought, life,etc.; spiritual tendency or tone.
Often, spiritualities. property or revenue of the church orof an ecclesiastic in his or her official capacity.

I hear a lot about people wanting to be spiritual or get to know their spirit. Of course as a monist I don't see humans as having a life outside the physical body, I don't believe that we have a separate spirit or soul or that our bodies are just a vessel. Does this prevent me from being what is essentially "spiritual"?

I find the second definition above the most interesting, spirituality is immaterial because it cannot be seen, it is essentially a thought process or a way we relate to our place in the cosmos. I don't believe to become spiritual you need to believe in God, spirits, ghosts or any other superstition to be able to think deeply about our place in the universe. Spirituality could also be an understanding of ourselves, there is nothing wrong with calmly meditating. Meditation is a practice we as atheists could take part in without the need to believe in anything.

I think to redefine spirituality is to take it away from religious doctrine and see it as a deep thought process. I hope this makes sense.

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